
How to make a disposable vape not taste burnt?

One of the benefits of e-cigarettes is the wide range of flavors available.
However, once the bitter and burnt flavors hit your taste buds, the fun of a tropical vapor can quickly change. How to make a disposable vape not taste burnt?
Before you toss your brand new disposable e-cigarette in the trash, learn more about why this happens and what you can do to ensure an enjoyable e-cigarette experience in the future.

Things You Should Know

Disposable e-cigarettes can develop a burning flavor from continuous e-cigarette smoking, incorrect or insufficient e-liquid, and the use of high voltage.
A common problem with disposable e-cigarettes is their coils and wicks; when overused, they dry out, resulting in a burnt flavor.
To fix a burnt e-cigarette, refill it with oil and saturate the coils and wicks with the correct e-liquid for a delicious smoking experience.

Why does my new e-cigarette smell like burning?

1. You are using the wrong e-liquid

There are two types of e-liquids or e-liquids that can be used in refillable disposable e-cigarettes: propylene glycol (PG) and vegetable glycerin (VG) vapor.
Using the wrong e-liquid can lead to burnt-out coils or leaky cartridges. You may also experience discomfort or a burning sensation in your throat after vaping.
If you are a vaper who is more interested in the vapor experience, the VG ratio should be above 70%. When used with e-cigarettes over 20 watts, the smoke will be thicker and more flavorful.
For smokers who prefer a throat hit, choose an e-cigarette with adjustable gears.
You don’t have enough e-cigarette liquid. The lower the amount of e-cigarette liquid remaining, the longer the device’s core is in contact with the coil.
When this happens, the wick dries out and overheats, creating a dry burn when pulled. If left untreated, dry firing can turn into burning.

2. your coil is not primed correctly

Priming is the process of applying oil or e-liquid (used in e-cigarettes) to the coil or wick of an e-cigarette.
This heats up the e-cigarette and converts the e-liquid into vapor correctly.
However, if you don’t give the coil enough time or saturation, you will experience a dry or burning sensation.
For most e-cigarettes, you only need to oil the coil the first time you use it. However, continuous use of e-cigarettes can cause this problem.

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